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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Patrick Madrid Has a Blog!

Mantilla twitch to Fr. Pelletier who has this to say: Parish the Thought: Patrick’s Back!

Personally, I'm excited, too. I recently heard Patrick Madrid speak at the Coming Home Network conference in Ohio, and, especially given that I had lived in the land of his topic, it was one of my favorite talks. He's both an engaging writer and speaker, so I look forward to following his blog.

Oh, and my dear readers, if you haven't, check out Fr. Pelletier's blog as well. He doesn't allow comments, but I for one have to thank him for posting useful information, such as a reminder of Daylight Savings time. You see, even though he's in Arizona (they don't change their clocks), he had a post that reminded me that we, in Minnesota DO...and I would have been in HUGE trouble if I'd forgotten that detail! Thanks, Father, for that and many of the other things you've written. (You know...comment moderation isn't THAT bad...) ;-)

OK, I SHOULD be trying to finish my paper on analysis of Zephanaiah and St. Catherine of Siena and starting my paper on Dignity...and now I have a blog post to show for what I've REALLY been doing. And now it's time for me to head off to Adoration, maybe Confession....


Sarah Reinhard said... were in Ohio again!?!?! (Smacking myself...I really need to catch up with you, girlfriend!)

And thanks for the tip about PM's blog. That rocks! I'll have to check it out!

Now, off to get the now-awake-and-clattering-her-crib-rails daughter. :)

Adoro said...

Sarah ~ Yup...went to a conference in Columbus (a few posts I flew into Cincinnati, was there overnight, we headed to the conference, and back to Cinci when it was over. I had Monday in Cinci and flew home the next day.

I hope to come back to Ohio, one way or another. Maybe can roadtrip with friends. I like Ohio...and y'all are such nice people there!