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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Define Irony

On this auspicious date, 12 years ago today, September 3rd, 1996, I was sworn in as a Police Officer. I held up my right hand and gave my oath to God and the good people of our city, promising to "serve and protect", and I did this in the presence of my mother and an uncle who drove her there that day. It was a proud moment for Mom. And for me.

All my hard work, all the training, all the connections, the references who helped me to get hired both through their words and their mentorship through college...all was coming to fruition.

When I finished the Oath, the Captain handed me my badge and shook my hand. There was applause, I said goodbye to Mom and my Uncle, and went to work.

The badge number I was given was Badge # 72.

In police radio 10 codes, a 10-72 is a DOA (Dead On Arrival).

Just like my career.

1 comment:

Rob said...

I thought irony was what you did to get rid of wrinkleys. Seriously, yours is a good example. However, that was just a stepping stone on the path to greater things.