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Saturday, September 08, 2007

MASSIVE Prayer Request!

I'm having my first Academic Anxiety attack of the school year. This promises to be great fun!

I am behind in my reading due to the craziness of my last couple weeks, starting a new job with not-stable hours, and my head is just full of STUFF such that I don't know what's coming at me next. Well, I know, it's just a lot all at once.

Until about 20 minutes ago, I was fine. Then I looked at the calender. I have this weekend and next weekend...and the weekend after is class. Tuesday is supposed to be our first parish leadership meeting of the year...and I've decided that, unless I get WAY further on stuff than I am right now, then I won't be going because grad school is a higher priority. The parish won't sink without my presence. My grades WILL.

I've been plugging away at Old Testament stuff as there's a ton of memorization so that's one I'm spreading out because I don't have the ability to sit and memorize all the books of the OT all at once, or the geography, or the answers to all the questions. I have most of the reading done, but a lot of review will be needed for that class. fine. I can handle that one. (Please pray that I am able to memorize everything, though, for the test as required.)

So, moving on....Documents of Vatican II. I've done the reading. Then I looked at the essay questions I have to answer, 5 of them...and I can't answer a SINGLE ONE! In fact, even though I just completed the reading yesterday and today, well, I have no idea what I read. I have NO GRASP on this material. I don't know where the answers are. There is a reference to "SC, 1" and I don't know if it's "1" of the Intro, the entire Chapter 1, or just part 1 of the Intro or Chapter 1. I'm sure the answer to THAT is in my reading, too, but I don't know where.

And so I'm now crying just like I did last semester with the Writings of JP2.

Oh, and then there's the Spirituality class...I have only touched on the reading, and while those questions look easier, I can't answer them because none of the reading is done! I'm looking at the calender, and the time I have available, and I'm in a full-fledged panic.

Please pray for me. I'm so panicked I don't even know what to panic about first!

My Adoration hour is at 3. I'm going early with ALL my books with the hope Jesus will tell me which one to tackle first.

I really don't know if I can do this, and I am NOT exaggerating.


Kiwi Nomad said...

Yes... you can do it! Go for a quick walk if you need to.... and I am sure your anxiety will pass.

Cathy said...

Ps. 55:23


Adoro said...

Kiwi ~ I just got back from Adoration...better than a walk!

Ma Beck: Ignational RSV-CE, Ps 55:23: "But thou, O God, wilt cast them down into the lowest pit; men of blood and treachery shall not live out half their days. but I will trust in thee."

Well, at this point I'm ok with allowing God to throw my books down into the pit, but I won't go so far as to call my professors "men of blood and treachery."

Trusting I can work on , at least.

What Bible are you using?

Warren said...

You can do this! For one thing, you totally rock. For another thing, God is on your side. :-)

You're in my prayers!


Anonymous said...

you can do it! Am studying hard about modern politics in China, and can barely answer a single question on my essay questions list too, even after hours of going through slides and papers...*cringes.

confidence at an all-time low.

just trust that everything will be fine in the end....

Cathy_of_Alex said...


I agree, it's probably not going to get you a good grade calling your profs "men of blood and treachery" LOL!

Deacon Bill Burns said...

Typically, the number refers to the paragraph, and they're sequential from the first to the last, regardless of the chapter or section. So 1 in SC (which I'm assuming is Sacrosanctum Concilium) would be the very first paragraph. If your copy doesn't have numbers (which would be a little odd), you can go to the Vatican site (

Good luck. Prayers coming your way. Taking 9 grad credits when working full time is gutsy.

Anonymous said...

Our Lady of Perpetual Help - please pray for Adoro!

Adoro said...

Thanks, everyone. But I'm only taking 5 grad credits...the max in this program is 6 but I took the other class last spring.

And it seems that we all are panicking.

Cathy said...

That's the NAB (you know, the Psalms are one chapter "off" in the NAB vs. the Douay - when I first looked up "40" after hearing the U2 song, I was like, "Heeey, it's Psalm 39, not 40!") but in the Douay (and I think in the RSV also) it's Ps 54:23.

Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.