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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Liturgy and Longing for God

I'm going to start with the easy thing: longing for God.

In Moral Theology this weekend, much stood out to me and perhaps it will become fodder for future posts, but there are a couple things that are short and to the point:

There are two ways of contemplating God, and perhaps I'll write more of this later, too. However, suffice to say that we can only contemplate Him "naturally" up to a certain point. Because it does not belong to our human nature as it is to know God and see Him face to face, we are content to know that He exists, but that's pretty much were it ends. We may love Him, but in our natural contemplation we cannot desire that which is not proper to our state.

If we find ourselves longing for God, however, for union with Him, a desire to be with Him, a love that surpasses all other love...that is a supernatural grace. It does not belong to our nature but transcends it in order to help us to reach our intended end, that being...eternal union with God. much there. I hope to write more on that when I've had time to learn about it and contemplate it...and Him...more deeply.

On Liturgy:

There will probably be much to come on this. We are not reading about what "other people said" about the liturgy, but are reading authoritative Church documents themselves.

Liturgy can be a challenging discussion because there is a LOT of misinformation out there, all across the spectrum, and as it's a charged arena, a lot of self-proclaimed "experts" are spouting off a lot of things.

Guess I'll be one of them. Except that...I'm not an expert. And can't claim to be, even after this class is done.

But I WILL know a heck of a lot more, will be able to recommend solid information (i.e. magisterial documents), and as our professor explained, will have some information on the changes coming our way in the Liturgy. He pointed out that we in that classroom are likely to be on the "front lines" and will be the ones explaining to a lot of angry people the reasons for the changes being made and their implementation.

Well, not in my current job that wouldn't be my responsibility, however, given I have this blog, if I still have it by then, well, perhaps I will need to be one of the voices speaking up.

Our professor believes it will be implemented sometime in 2012. Change is slow, but he is happy to note what the USCCB is doing to prepare the faithful through their website.

There may be more to come in another post yet tonight as several things are rushing around my brain right now and I'll feel better if I write them down.



owenswain said...

"There are two ways of contemplating God, and perhaps I'll write more of this later, too. However, suffice to say that we can only contemplate Him "naturally" up to a certain point."

This makes sense and agrees with the CCC in regard to how we know God at all, first in creation (Rm 1)but this knowledge satisfactorily salvific and so we need the grace of faith and of His revelation in order to move beyond what may be known "naturally." And, as you note, the same can be said of love for God.

I've been reading the CCC daily again and am finding it both challenging and rewarding.

As for the changes in the Liturgy...oh my, it's hard for me to be patient.

Hidden One said...

Oh the liturgy... I am working my way through then-Cardinal Ratzinger's Spirit of the Liturgy (Chapter 4, having just finished his chapter advocating ad orientem celebration), then on to Fr. Jonathan Robinson, Cong. Orat.'s The Mass and Modernity (apparently, one main or perhaps the central thrust is that the Mass should be celebrated ad orientem) and then hopefully Romano Guardini's Spirit of the Liturgy... Adoro, I very much look forward to your posts related to your studies (I especially enjoyed your ecclesiology posts last time 'round), especially those derived from your studies of the liturgy and moral theology.

Adoro said...

Owen ~ the CCC is one of our major texts for Moral Theology, although what I wrote here actually came from the lecture (which of course is faithful to the CCC!)

I can't wait, either.

Hidden One ~ Well, if you can see it, I posted on the Liturgy just a bit ago...

We're reading "Spirit of the Liturgy" as one of our texts, but mainly relying on the actual documents. Using a few other things as commentaries. On ad orientem, did you see how he referenced the post conciliar documents made it clear that the free standing altars should be such so that Mass could be celebrated from BOTH sides?

There are benefits, to which he agrees, to versus populum, and we're going to learn more about that in class, too.

But losing "liturgical east" has caused a great loss of understanding the Mass.


owenswain said...

I have a copy of two of the three books you mentioned. Just haven't got round to reading them. I'm thinking of splurging and getting a copy of The Mass and Modernity.

I should have mentioned that I am fortunate to soon be regularly hearing Mass under the direction of a very, (for want of a better expression) reform of the reform sort of priest.

Hidden One said...


I remember also very clearly Pop Benedict's proposal of the now-called "Benedictine arrangement". I am certain that it is a great step up from standard versus populum celebration; I will reserve my opinion on whether it is sufficient to justify (eventual) non-mandatory ad orientem celebration.


I borrowed the more recent Spirit of the Liturgy from a good local priest (that reminds me...), and am reading Mass and Modernity via Google books. I might well splurge on a hard copy if I had access... but while I don't and the web is (legally and morally, in this case) free....

Hidden One said...

Post-script @Owen

Now I recall directly telling you that I'd borrowed Spirit of the Liturgy... more proof that I need to sleep soon.

owenswain said...

@H.O. I always find this ""This is a preview. The total pages displayed will be limited." off putting with g00gle "books" but as you say, free and that's something I must consider these days.

Good local priests (yes, I am glad that reminds you...)

Anonymous said...

i believe that its a great step towards the orientem celebration.

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