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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Random Questions?

I was wondering what I should write about tonight.

I had a couple of ideas but then I got distracted and they went "splat."

I figured that since I'm not a Saint, the saints of the world likely can't learn much from me or my meditations...and some of my own recollections are likely only funny to me.

And my conversion story and journey to nun-hood? Well, I don't feel like writing about all that today.

So maybe it's time to test the waters and see if anyone is even clicking on this humble little blog.

Any random questions about Catholicism? Any random questions at all?

I can't guarantee any sound answers about generally random questions, but I can try to make the answers at least entertaining. And if questions about Catholicism...well, I'll do my best to answer and those answers HAVE to be solid as they are my sole purpose for existance: to love and serve God, and through this blog, by answering random Catholic questions.

Wow. I didn't realize that I fit into such a small space in this world.

But Praise the Lord just the same!

God bless and good night, fine people.

Don't forget to thank your guardian angel:

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God's love committs me near
Ever this night, be at my side,
to light and to guard, rule and to guide


Ed Working said...

Dear Adoro Te Devote,
Would you please explain what the Hypostatic Union is and how it relates to the Incarnation? Is this why Catholics bow during a portion of the Credo? Is this why Catholics kneel during part of the Angelus? Why do Catholics do that or why should they?
Just a interested supporting fan.

Dr. Sanders said...

Most parishes at which I've attended Mass, they bow. Unfortunately, I have noticed that in many parishes, only a few members of the congregation seem to bow. Sadly, it seems that a large number of people are simply not aware that we should bow. If we are mssing things that should be done every time we go to Mass (at least once weekly), then what else are we overlooking in our lives?

Tim said...

Ms. Adore,
I have a question. What is your first name. *smile*

Adoro said...

I don't have a first name. I am a blog entity (human, of course, not machine).

I will give you a hint, however...some of the comments I have left at other blogs have my first name listed with my blog URL...Happy Catholic, Curt Jester, and some others.

Otherwise, I like to be anonymous, it adds to the "mystery". :-)