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Friday, November 26, 2010


It's been a busy few days.

Finally after several very difficult weeks at work, made worse by a lack of consistent time off, work schedule, and some really emotionally trying events, I have had a series of days off. Ahhh...blessed, blessed Thanksgiving weekend!

I missed my mother's birthday because I had to work, but we've more than made up for the time this weekend. My brother and I are up to our old shenanigans, and my dog is content as content can be with the exception of the fact she is not allowed on the furniture at his house.

And today, I will be roasting duck for the first time. We've been planning this for months now. The original plan was that I'd take his roasting pan home with me and experiment there, but I decided I want some help the first time I do this, so I picked up a frozen young duckling on Monday and now it awaits the oven, completely thawed.

I just hope I don't start a fire.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Enjoy! And watch the oven.